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Intention of the Week - Lissa Fox
Help to heal her cancer
Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm GMT
Other times:
5:00 am PDST
6:00 am MDST
7:00 am CDST
8:00 am EDST
2:00 pm rest of Europe
Lissa Fox, 47, of Frisco, Texas, was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma on my upper left arm. “I need to have a surgery to remove more flesh and a lymph node for biopsy that starts out costing $20,000. I filed for Medicaid through the state and was rejected. I do not have health insurance, credit or savings as I lost them all a few years back. My dermatologist said this is a life- saving surgery that I need right away.
I believe in the ability to heal ourselves with our mind. I am trying not to panic, but I am a little scared. I am 47 years old, single, and a full time college student along with my 20-year-old son, and I only work part time.
I really want to live a longer life. There are so many things I want to do for myself and with my children.
Please join us on this site on Sunday, October 24 at 1 pm Eastern DT and hold the following intention:
"My intention is Lissa Fox be healed of all cancer and be healthy and well in every way."
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