Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Suzie Barr

Help to heal her post-polio syndrome

Suzie Barr

Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm GMT
Other times:
5:00 am PDST
6:00 am MDST
7:00 am CDST
8:00 am EDST
2:00 pm rest of Europe

Suzie Barr, aged 57, lives in, Cazenovia, NY, USA. She is a survivor of polio, which left her with no use of her left arm, limited use of her right arm and an exaggerated limp when using her right leg.
“Throughout my life I have faired very well,” she says, “until I broke my leg in 1996. Sometime thereafter I was told I have post-polio syndrome and that there is nothing that can be done.
“They instructed me to stop doing everything and conserve what I have left. I was very depressed for three-to-four months. However, my spirit KNOWS there is an answer. I know without a doubt, that I can be well.
“This disability has lead to me being trapped in my home, but I truly believe there is an answer.”
On Sunday, September 26, 2010, at 1 pm Eastern DST, please come on the website and send the following intention for ten minutes:
“My intention is for Suzie Barr to be cured of post-polio syndrome and to restore full movement in her limbs and her former health and energy levels.”
Check here for the time in your time zone:

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