Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Kate Mcclelland

Help to heal her hepatitis C.

Kate Mcclelland

Please join in on Wednesday, 1:00 pm GMT
Other times:
5:00 am PDST
6:00 am MDST
7:00 am CDST
8:00 am EDST
2:00 pm rest of Europe

Kate Mcclelland has hepatitis C, which has gone untreated because she writes that she just can not find a doctor to treat her.
Consequently, it has harmed her liver; she was recently told she has grade 3 cirrhosis with bridging fibrosis.
“I have studied metaphysics,” she writes. “I have read the Intention Experiment, Ernest Holmes’ The Science of Mind, and tried meditation. However, I have been unsuccessful in my efforts. All areas of my life are in need of repair. I have been unable to connect with people within my community, predominantly Irish Catholics, and actually feel in exile here.”
Please come onto the website on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 1 pm Eastern DST and send the following intention:
"My intention is that Kate Mcclelland be healed of hepatitis C, her liver return to full health and that she find her own community."
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