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Intention of the Week - Lorraine Pyatt-Wisdom
Help to heal her cancer
Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
Other times:
9 am PDST
10 am MDST
11 noon CDST
12 pm EDST
6 pm rest of Europe
Lorraine Pyatt-Wisdom is 62 and lives in New York. She has been treated for the last two and a half years for cancer of the colon, liver and lung. The first tumor appeared behind her appendix and was removed; nevertheless, the cancer soon spread to the other areas. She underwent a variety of chemotherapy and other new procedures and techniques, without success.
On Sunday, May 23, 2010, at 5 pm GMT please come onto our website and send the following intention:
"My intention is for Lorraine Pyatt-Wisdom to be healed of all cancer and to be healthy and well in every way."