Intention of the Week

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Health Intention of the Week - Linda Klabacha

Help her to overcome her eating disorder

Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
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Linda Klabacha, aged 60, of Los Angeles, California, wrote us about her eating disorder. “Compulsive overeating probably sounds so minor to what you must get every day,” she wrote, "but it's just so debilitating to me."
“I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds over the course of my lifetime and have recently kept off 80 pounds for two years, but I'm bingeing again and I simply can't seem to stop. It so affects every part of my life. I don't show up at work, I have no friends because I want to isolate. . . it's a miserable day-to-day living experience."
“Maybe there's a broader intention here for curing all addictive behaviors, but I would pray for the opportunity to have people hold the intention for me to stop bingeing.”
On Sunday, April 18, 2010, at 5 pm GMT please come onto our website, look at Linda’s photo and send the following intention:
"My intention is for Linda Klabacha to be free of her eating disorder and all addictive behavior and to be healthy and well in every way."

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