Intention of the Week

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Health Intention of the Week - Wilma and Kelly Guidry

Help to heal RSD and fibromyalgia

Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
Other times:

9 am PDST
10 am MDST
11 noon CDST
12 pm EDST
6 pm rest of Europe
This week’s Intention of the Week concerns a mother and daughter who live across the street from each other just outside Houston, Texas, and suffer from the same illness.
Wilma Guidry, 76, and her daughter, Kelly, 48, both have complications and intense pain from reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and fibromyalgia.
'Both my mother and I are suffering and the pain has become too much for us,' writes Kelly. The pain has become so much that both of our lives have no more quality of life. Only quantity! I know usually just one person asks, but I am asking for both my mom and I as we both are suffering too much. Too much!’
Please come onto our website on April 10, 2010 at 5 pm GMT (check our website under Intention of the Week for your time zone) and send the following intention:
"My intention is that Wilma and Kelly Guidry be free of all pain and complications from RSD and Fibromyalgia and to be healthy and well in every way."

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