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Health Intention of the Week - Peter Henrik Pieters
Please help him to be cancer free
Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
Other times:
9 am PDST
10 am MDST
11 noon CDST
12 pm EDST
6 pm rest of Europe
Peter Pieters, aged 41, presently in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, was diagnosed with a low grade glioma (Astrocytoma grade II) brain tumor three years ago after suffering a seizure. The tumor is larger than 8.5 cm and is located on the frontal right site of his head.
He is having surgery on March 9 in Utrecht to remove as much of the tumor as possible while minimizing damage to the normal brain.
Please come onto our website at 5 pm GMT and send the following intention to Peter for 10 minutes:
"My intention is that Peter be completely free of all cancer, that the doctors successfully remove all the tumor without damaging his brain and that he is healthy and well in every way."
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