Intention of the Week

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Health Intention of the Week - Vivien Russell

Please send healing intention to her cancer

Please join in on Sunday, 5 pm GMT
Other times:

9 am PDST
10 am MDST
11 noon CDST
12 pm EDST
6 pm rest of Europe
Vivien Russell, 38, of Chinnor, in Oxfordshire, UK, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2007. It has now returned and progressed to a few places. Vivien is married with two children, aged 9 and 6.
She wrote us: "I really have the will to live, as I also want to help others. I would be so grateful to be part of a great intention. This truly would mean the world to me. The kids are upset , and my 9 year old says I can still survive this. He is a wise soul."
Please come onto our website at 5 pm GMT (noon US Eastern time), and send the following intention for 10 minutes:
"My intention is that Vivien Russell be healed of all cancer and be healthy and well in every way."

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