Haley Deberardis
February 22, 2009
5 pm GMT
Help to heal her neurological injuries
Haley Deberardis, currently 21, of Smithfield, Rhode Island, was tragic victim of a car accident, in a car driven by her best friend.
Here is the story, as relayed to me by the driver’s mother, Linda Kelleher.
“ On October 8, 2005 are lives and hearts were changed forever.My daughter and one of her best friends Haley Deberardis, both 18 years of age at the time, were returning from a celebration when they were struck headon by a truck at very high speed.
“While both were injured, Haley was in critical condition, unable to breathe on her own, requiring sixweeks on the ICU with numerous surgeries. Total length of agonizing stay in the hospital stay was three months, which resulted in eventual permanent diagnosis of diffuse axonal head injury, leaving her unable to communicate or move her extremities. Her initial bout in neurological rehab appeared hopeful, she seemed to know we were all there and could follow simple commands, such as as ‘wiggle your toe if you can hear me’.
“Subsequently she could not progress to any meaningful recovery and was discharged home to 24-hour care, fed by gastric tube and lifted from bed to a supportive wheelchair daily, and experiencing numerous hospitalizations for infection.
“Understandably, the family has struggled with her loss, and their pain and anger has impaired our relationship ,leaving my daughter with depression, anxiety and self blame (wishing she could have gotten out of the way of the truck) and wishing it was her instead of Haley that sustained injury.
Therefore, I ask the universe from the bottom of my heart to return Haley's cognitive function, so we can enjoy her laugh and spirit again as well as emotional healing for the lives this has affected.”
‘My intention is that Haley Deberardis’s cognitive function be completely restored and for her to be healthy and well in every way.’
And I’ll add one more intention for us: “My intention is for Linda Kelleher’s daughter to forgive herself and to be healed in every way.”.
Healing words
I’m writing a new book this year and curtailing my usual full speaking schedule. One of my only appearances in London this year will be at The Living Matrix: The Science of Healing Conference at Kings College, London (March 13-16, 2009). It includes the premier of The Living Matrix film, which I appear in, and at the conference I’ll be sharing my thoughts and research on how thoughts can influence the world around us, especially with healing. Following the conference, I’ll be leading a workshop entitled Living the Field.
A number of other leading international complementary health researchers, authors and practitioners, including my friends James Oschman (who has done so much research in energy medicine), Rollin McCraty of Heartmath research fame, and the irrepressible healer Eric Pearl, will also be speaking at the conference and running workshops.
If you’d like more information, or to book your place at my workshop please click here. For more information on the conference itself, click here. (If you book before 1st March you receive a 5 per cent discount by quoting promotional code LMC310.)
Have a wonderful week.
Warm wishes,
Lynne McTaggart
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
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You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com