Intention of the Week

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Intention of the Week - Michel Habets

Help to heal his cancer

Michel Habets

Please join in on Sunday, 1:10 pm GMT
Other times:
5:10 am PDST
6:10 am MDST
7:10 noon CDST
8:10 pm EDST
2:10 pm rest of Europe

Michel Habets, 52, who lives in Japan, has cancer on his small bowel. Recently, he underwent surgery to remove the cancer. During the operation, the doctors found that the cancer had spread, and that both small and large bowels are damaged. After removing the obstructive cancer, the doctors have placed a stoma and a tube for anesthesia next to the stoma.
The doctors have now told him that without chemotherapy he has three months to live.
Although he does not want the chemo, he will take it because the doctors say that the chemo will extend his life by three years. After his first chemo treatment, he suffered many severe side effects, lost nine kilograms in weight and has trouble both sleeping or gearing himself to undergo the ordeal again.
As his Dutch friend Sylvia says: ‘ He is a very soft personality and has a great heart.’
On Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 1:10 pm Eastern DST (right after our Gulf Oil intention), please send the following intention to Michel:
"My intention is for Michel Habets to be completely free of all cancer in his bowels and elsewhere in his body and to be healthy and well in every way."
Check here for the time in your time zone:

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