Intention of the Week

Intention of the Week

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Please join in on Sunday, 1:00 pm EST

Other times:

  • 10:00 am PDST
  • 11:00 am MDST
  • 12:00 am CDST
  • 6:00 pm GMT
  • 7:00 pm rest of Europe

Please help her beat cancer and be healthy in every way.

As it turns out, I happen to be suspect of having IDC, which is "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma".
I would so appreciate it if the participants of this site could include me in your healing intentions.
My area of concern is the left breast which is manifesting this disease by the nipple and surrounding
tissue appearing to be turning inward and now there appears to be a "dimple" next to the nipple. Not good.
The problem comes from a tumor or cells (same thing) blocking the milk ducts of the breast and as it continues
down this path, sending those cancerous cells possibly to the lymph nodes and elsewhere. In my case I'm still in the stage of complete diagnosis as to how far-reaching this has gone.

Thank you in advance for your work and intentions/prayer and all that you may be doing to promote
healing in me and in others. This is beautiful and truthful "work". Blessings to all.

I live in Santa Fe, NM, USA. I'm 52 in 2 weeks. I work as a hospice social worker.

Please join us on the Intention Experiment site on Sunday, May 27th, 2012 at 1 pm US Eastern ST and send the following intention:

"My intention is that Nancy Russell be completely free of cancer and be healthy and well in every way."

Check here for the time in your time zone:

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