Help Oa Jeffries to heal chronic back pain

‘Our intention is that Oa Jeffries immediately, completely and permanently be healed of chronic back pain, so that she is healthy and well in every way.’

Intention of the Week: Oa Jeffries
Help Oa Jeffries to heal chronic back pain
Sunday, February 9, 2025
10:00 am Pacific US time

A member of our community has nominated, Oa Jeffries, aged 12, from Hartlepool, Durham, in the UK, for an Intention of the Week. Here is her story:

‘Oa is a remarkable, kind, and talented young girl who consistently helps others and assists those in need, whether by standing up for friends who are being bullied or rescuing local wildlife.

She has experienced several falls over recent years, each time injuring her back. As a result, she now suffers from chronic back pain and endures discomfort.’

Please hold the following intention on Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 10:00 am Pacific US time/ 1:00 pm Eastern US/ 6:00 pm UK/ 7:00 pm Europe

‘Our intention is that Oa Jeffries immediately, completely and permanently be healed of chronic back pain, so that she is healthy and well in every way.’

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