Dear Friends
By now you know that on Sept 30-October 5, I’m running the largest peace Intention Experiment that’s ever been conducted and we are targeting America, which sure needs our help.
And I hope you’ve signed up. (If not, go to and do so. It’s totally free.)
But until it kicks off it’s a good idea to prepare for the experiment to maximize your own experience.
In my work with large and small group intention, I’ve discovered and documented amazing rebound effects when people get together to pray/intend in small groups of eight. When people send intention for peace, they’re lives become more peaceful and often healed.
The best way I can explain this to you is by showing you a recent video.
It was made by the Mile Hi church (not me) after I’d worked with two groups of eight volunteers recently. They created the video to publicize a forthcoming talk of mine, but I thought it would be good to forward to you to demonstrate some of the powerful effects of sending healing intention in small groups:
Notice that some of the people in the groups of eight were the senders, not the targets. And yet their lives transformed overnight.
There’s a lot of good science into the physical effects of altruism and major brain wave changes involved with group intention to explain why it works, which I cover in my new book THE POWER OF EIGHT®.
Creating the eight
But to get the most out of this experiment, why not create your own eight?
It’s not necessary to be physically present with the members of the group. A virtual connection, in my experience, works just as well. It’s also not strictly necessary to
have exactly eight people, but eight is the optimum number. I would suggest that your group be no fewer than six and no more than 12, so that you have enough of a critical mass to feel like a group, but not so many that you get lost in it.
Here’s what to do to practice before we carry out the actual experiment on Sept 30:
Share this with your friends. And Don’t forget! Sign up to the American Peace Intention Experiment:
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne!
The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at:
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