Gore Vidal, who died this week, is an unlikely hero of mine. For all his deliberate offensiveness and wilful antagonism, for all his apparent contradiction, he was one of the most clear-eyed critics America has ever had.
His collection of essays: United States: Essays 1952-1992, which won an honorary National Book Award, are unsurpassed in their summing up of America’s shortcomings. All of Vidal’s ascerbic wit derived from a sense that America had passed its best and that we’d somehow lost the plot in the last half of the last century, ‘the ancient American sense that whatever is wrong with human society can be put right by human action.’
Dear Readers,
What would Jesus do?
Five years ago, I stumbled on a healing mechanism I considered a miracle that I’d never heard of before. I had decided to begin teaching intention workshops, but since it was impossible to have my students manifest something major like a car or a new job over the weekend, we hit upon the idea of carrying out intention in a small group, asking the group to send healing intention to someone in the group with a healing challenge.
During weekend workshops, we decided to divide the audience of attendees into small groups of eight, and ask these groups of complete strangers to send loving thoughts to each other.
We often hear about how we are moving to higher frequency and will evolve to a higher plane after 2012, as though we’re all going to get sprinkled with fairy dust and wake up one morning to a completely new world. I’m not one of those people who believes ‘the Shift’ is going to happen automatically. I think it’s going to take a lot of new thinking, new action and new community by the likes of you and me.
Last Wednesday evening, in the middle of the wee hours, more than 3 million people held a silent intention to heal Washington DC, not only of its violent crimes, but also, on Capitol Hill, its violent behavior.
The occasion was my Intention Experiment to HEAL America, which was held LIVE on George Noory’s Coast to Coast am radio station – perhaps one of the largest radio shows in the US, making this the largest Intention
Join us to for this historic Intention Experiment - Register on 28th May 2012
June 6, 2012
Midnight US Pacific DST
We in the US are in the midst of an election year and the cat-fight is well underway. Mitt Romney is busy claiming that Obama is responsible for keeping 23 million Americans out of work, undermining NATO, and blowing it on clean energy, and Obama is enlisting Bill Clinton to call Romney a pansy, who wouldn’t have had the balls to mow down Bin Laden or resurrect the auto industry in Detroit. And they’re only just getting started.
Although I started out skimming Of Mice and Men to help my youngest daughter on an exam, I moved onto John Steinbeck’s masterwork, The Grapes of Wrath – largely to examine whether history is just repeating itself in the fine mess we’re in, and how to best to write about it in a way that will inspire people to do something.
Today on the BBC’s much beloved Radio 4, which offers a morning slot called Thought for the Day, some short topic about the state of the world explored by a local vicar about the state of the world, some reverend was chewing over the idea that evil is mostly a group dynamic.
How inherent is human spirituality – even among non-believers? Is it there all along, but simply buried under conscious doubt and skeptical analysis, waiting to surface when we confront our own mortality?
Join the thousands of people who are already part of the Intention Revolution and start using the universe’s most powerful tool—the power of intention—to transform your life, each other and the world.
Sign up and receive FREE GIFTS including The Power of Eight® handbook and a special video from Lynne!Â
The Landing, Tileman House, 131 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2TL
You can connect with Lynne at: info@lynnemctaggart.com